District, Community HealTh Center



BOARDS: There are three boards under the District’s banner. The five elected community members comprise the Board of Directors and provide oversight of District policies and finances. The Morongo Basin Community Health Center Governing Board provides oversight regarding the patient care experience at the two health centers. This is a volunteer board comprised mostly of health center patients. The Hi-Desert Memorial Health Care District Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of the same board members as the District Board and provides oversight for the 501(c)(3).

CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE about Morongo Basin Healthcare District

REGARDING THE VACANT SEAT ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The five members elected by voters are required to maintain their primary residence with the District’s geographic boundaries and be registered to vote in San Bernardino County. The Board convenes for general business on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Directors are required to physically attend the meetings. Community members and staff may attend remotely.

NOTICE OF VACANCY ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, effective January 1, 2025. The seat representing voting zone #3 on the district map remains vacant as no qualified candidates presented for consideration within the application window timeframe. The Board is still recruiting to fill the vacant seat. Interested persons who are registered to vote in San Bernardino County and live within the voting-zone #3 area may contact Board Clerk Karen Graley at [email protected] to be considered for appointment to the vacant seat.

CLICK HERE to view the map for the geographic area represented by the vacant seat (Voting-Zone #3).

Patricia “Pat” Cooper

  • Current term of office expires December 2024
  • Initial term began January 2023
  • Currently serving as Treasurer
  • Ethics Training Certificate
  • Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Certificate
  • Represents voting zone #1

Director Cooper has served as a board member of the healthcare District for many years, serving many terms on the Hi-Desert Medical Center board, through the transition of the medical center to Tenet in 2015, and is currently completing a two-year term.

Misty Evans Sharma

Director Evans is a registered nurse having graduated from Copper Mountain College with her Certified Nursing Assistant Certificate, Associates Degree in Vocational Nursing, and Associates Degree in Registered nursing. Her passion has always been advocacy and ethics in healthcare. In her career, she has worked in several departments of Hi-Desert Medical Center and is currently working as a Registered Nurse Care Manager for Summit Institute’s Health Homes Program, which provides care management and primary care services to a chronically ill and low-socioeconomic population. She believes healthcare is a human right and continues to actively seek ways to ensure this right for all.

Dianne Markle-Greenhouse

Dianne is a lifelong community advocate, and believes serving on the Morongo Basin Healthcare District Board of Directors has been a productive avenue to making a difference in the Morongo Basin. With a strategic plan and the Community Health Needs Assessment as guideposts, the District continues to make healthcare accessible for its constituents. Dianne is proud and pleased to serve her community in such an important mission.

Vacant Seat

  • Represents voting zone #3.
  • This board seat is vacant and will be appointed at a special meeting on Monday, February 24, 2025 at 6 p.m.
  • To apply for appointment to this vacant seat, view the Public Notice of Vacancy above and the voting-zone map.


Heidi Stiemsma

Director Stiemsma was appointed to the seat vacated by Greg Brown and will complete the remaining term of office through December 2024. A nurse at Hi-Desert Medical Center, Heidi has a background in information technology and works in clinical informatics. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Master of Science in Nursing Education from Walden University in Minneapolis. Her nursing background includes patient care, quality improvement and clinical software management. “My experience at Hi-Desert Medical Center has opened my eyes to the complex health needs of our Basin, and I would like to become more involved in advocating for wellness in our population.”

Board Member Election Process

The Board of Directors for the Morongo Basin Healthcare District is comprised of five elected representatives who must be registered voters residing within the District’s geographic boundaries.

Election for District Board members is conducted by the San Bernardino County Elections Office of the Registrar of Voters. Election of District Board members is typically held in conjunction with a November general election. The four-year terms of office are staggered so that either two or three board members are elected every two years.

A “Notice of Election” is posted as directed by the Elections Office so the public has the opportunity to file for candidacy and have their name placed on the November ballot. The timeframe for declaration of candidacy is determined by the Elections Office; the candidacy filing window for this election is July 13 through August 7. The Registrar of Voters has announced it will offer contact-free services to candidates with a new My Candidacy Gateway web application and video conference appointments. Access filing documents electronically at www.sbcountyelections.com.
Candidates may complete the filing process or seek assistance with the filing process by making an appointment with the Registrar’s office. Call 909-387-8300.

Mid-term vacancies are filled by election or appointment by the Board of Directors.

Morongo Basin Community Health Center Board of Directors

The Community Health Center Governing Board is comprised of 9 to 25 members with 51% of the membership being patients of the clinics and 49% being community leaders. The focus of the Board is directed to the business of the Morongo Basin Community Health Center. The Governing Board meets on the first Thursday of each month at 4:45 p.m. The public may physically attend the Board meetings as noted on the meeting agenda, or by remote access. Click on the electronic link provided below to join the board meeting by remote access.

Current volunteer Board members: Cody Briggs, Pat Cooper, Ann Dunn, Bryan Goldfarb, Marc Greenhouse, Nicola Keller, Eric Menendez, Heidi Stiemsma, and Jackie Todd,

Upcoming Board Meetings

Meeting agendas of the District Board of Directors and the CHC Governing Board are posted to this site at least 72 hours in advance of each meeting and minutes are posted after approval. Special meetings require only a 24-hour window to post.

Upon email request, community members will be included in the posting of the Board’s regular and special meetings. Please make a request to [email protected] to receive an email containing the agenda(s) and an electronic link to join the meetings online.


CLICK HERE to join this Board meeting.

User Meeting ID: 247 941 308 080

Passcode: 3fYY9i

CLICK HERE to join this Board meeting.
User Meeting ID: 243 172 570 623
Passcode: 7ei7zs9t

Meetings and Minutes

The public can talk about anything within the jurisdiction of the Morongo Basin Healthcare District; however, the Board of Directors generally cannot act on or discuss an item not on the agenda. The Brown Act does allow members of the legislative body, or its staff, to “briefly respond” to comments or questions from members of the public, provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information, or direct staff to place the issue on a future agenda.

All Board of Directors meeting agendas are posted to this site at least 72 hours in advance of each meeting and minutes are posted after approval. Special meetings require only a 24-hour window to post.

The public comment portion of this agenda provides an opportunity for the public to address the Board of Directors on items not listed on the agenda that are of interest to the public at large and are within the subject matter jurisdiction of this Board. The Board of Directors is prohibited by law from taking action on matters discussed that are not on the agenda, and no adverse conclusions should be drawn if the Board does not respond to public comments at this time.

Upon email request,  community members will be included in the posting of the Board’s regular and special meetings. Please make a request to [email protected] to receive an email containing the agenda(s) and an electronic link to join the meetings online.